/etc/bind/configs/permittedClients/Clients.conf acl "Clients" { #######Pranta Enterprise########; ##########New-Digital-cable-network########;;; #######FR-Express######;; ## Bottom ~ Never Add Clients Prefix below this line. Always Add Clients Prefixes before this Line ## }; above are the file path and file sample data for my bind9 dns. Please create me a web gui with 1. php, jquery, tailwind css and mysql with pdo. 2. Shouldkeep track of client names and IP addresses, 3. should have toaster messages for all appropriate operations, 4. should have data validation and duplication check and prevent duplicate. 5. Must check ip/cidr range for valid ip range based on the cidr. 6. Must use ajax for all operations to prevent page reload. 7. Must use data-tables with responsiveness 8. must be mobile friendly and good and fresh looking and conformatble to eye.